
Book Review

Newton and the Counterfeiter: The Unknown Detective Career of the World’s Greatest Scientist by Thomas Levenson My rating: 5 of 5 stars We all know who Newton is. He is one of the greatest scientist who has ever lived. Most of us get taught his three laws of motions from his most famous work—The Principia.…

My Side Quest to the Dark Side

A long time ago in a galaxy far away…  Well, maybe it was not that long ago and maybe it was not that far away. There lived three sisters in a country home far from the hustle and chaos of the city. There were wide open fields all around and quiet except for the occasional…

The Heavens In Motion

Stand up. Take a few paces around your home, the tea house, the park, wherever you happen to be. Sip on your tea. Do you feel the Earth moving? Is the Earth moving? All of us today will scoff and say of course the Earth moves. In fact, we know it moves quite fast: it…

The Start of a Long Journey to Modern Physics

I began my quest to understand Relativity by downloading an Audible Great Course titled Einstein’s Relativity and the Quantum Revolution: Modern Physics for Non-Scientists. This seemed like an unintimidating place to start. Plus, Lecture 1 is titled Time Travel, Tunneling, Tennis, and Tea. So naturally with tea in the title this was the course for…

Why this Blog?

Why the Theory of Relativitea? What a great question. A few months ago, I found myself craving a creative outlet. I was not sure what that would look like. After several months of brainstorming ideas, I narrowed down two things I am passionate about: tea and learning. One of the major goals I have in…

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