Why This Blog?

The Theory of Relativitea: A curious tea lovers adventures through science and math

Why the Theory of Relativitea? What a great question. A few months ago, I found myself craving a creative outlet. I was not sure what that would look like. After several months of brainstorming ideas, I narrowed down two things I am passionate about: tea and learning. One of the major goals I have in life is to be a life long learner. Just because someone is no longer attending school does not mean they no longer have the opportunity to discover new things about the crazy universe we live in. I want this blog to help all of us get excited about the world around us. I want to bring back the passion and curiosity that so many of us might have lost as we got older.

The tea really just comes in because some might say I have an addiction, and they would be right. Every morning, I brew myself a hot cup of tea in one of my 23 mugs I own. I enjoy the process of brewing my cup and the inner peace it brings me each morning.

Through my studies of science and mathematics, I came across the idea of blending my two passions in life into a blog. One of the greatest minds of the modern era, Albert Einstein, discovered his ground breaking theories while he was out of school just doing his day to day work at a patent office. While Einstein was a genius, I truly believe so many of us would be shocked at what sort of discoveries we could make by just exploring our passions and ideas. So, I took Einstein’s famous theory and shamelessly created a pun. Born was the idea of the Theory of Relativitea.

So, take a few minutes to steep yourself a cup of tea (or coffee, if you are a traitor) and rediscover your curiosity of this amazing world around us through mathematics, science, and of course tea.

Leave a comment below of something you have discovered while enjoying a lovely cup of tea.